After the Circus left Town

After the trials and tribulations that the leaders of the three main political parties have had to endure over the last few months, there are some who are worried about their immediate future. There is no need to worry, I think they will be ok.

Millionaire and Oxford university graduate David Cameron will continue to do the bidding of his paymasters and sell off whatever public assets are left, making his friends in big business and his handlers extraordinarily wealthy in the process. In the meantime he will continue to expand his portfolio of influential business leaders who will be on hand to ensure that his retirement fund is readily available once he leaves office.

Ed Miliband, millionaire and Oxford university graduate will go on a speaking tour earning up to £50,000 an hour, work two days a week as a consultant for big business and sell his book titled “The Apple that Fell a long way From the Tree”.

Nick Clegg, millionaire and Cambridge University graduate will sell his self help book “How to Sell your Soul (and win rich friends)”, go on a public speaking tour for anyone that can afford to pay the tens of thousands of pounds and get a relaxing job consulting for big business as well as working part time for the EU.

For those of you who are worried about the welfare of our recent crop of political leaders, past and present, now the fanfare has died down and business is resuming as normal, I hope this will put your mind at rest.

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