I’m drowning in a sea of conspiracies
QAnon, 5G and much more
And while shielding from a deadly old virus
A conspiracy has crept in, right through my open back door.
It’s a conspiracy of global proportions
Lapping at everyone’s shore
A conspiracy to make you befuddled
And it’s lurking under my dining room floor.
It’s a conspiracy of deadly proportions
And it’s destined to keep me so poor
It keeps me distracted with Netflix and Amazon
And consumer titbits to buy by the score
It’s a conspiracy so mind-bogglingly clever
It’s the cleverist thing I ever did saw
It buys up the basics of my existence
Selling them back to me at my big local store
It’s the ultimate scam by the scammers
And it’s a scam you can hardly ignore
Even the water that I drink I must pay for
They just don’t give a damn, that’s for sure.
From the banks in the City of London
To New York and its stock trading floor
It’s a game of replicating their Capital
And it’s corrupt to its capitalist core.
It scours the world for cheap labour
And plunders the world’s resources galore
It’s pushing the planet to the precipice
And we’ll end up like the big dinosaur
It’s a conspiracy by the arms manufacturers
It’s a conspiracy by Big Pharma too
It’s a conspiracy by the fossil fuel lobby
And they’re fleecing us ‘til we’re broken and blue
It’s a conspiracy by the fiendish food industry
Which poisons us in every conceivable way
It’s a conspiracy by the automobile industry
Whose pollution we must breathe everyday
It’s a conspiracy to keep me in debt
By mortgage or rent or by loans
It’s a conspiracy from cradle to grave
To make profit from my flesh and my bones.
It’s a conspiracy too teach me hate
To demonise and despise my fellow brother
And Murdoch won’t let me think straight
Now my brother has become the feared ‘Other’
It’s got me trapped in a hideously strong stranglehold
It’s got me pinned down with its bloody great claw
It’s a conspiracy that I can’t seem to break out of
And its practitioners don’t give a damn for the law
I know that the QAnon is a childish distraction
Fuelled by white supremacists promoting race war
Funded by US billionaire gangsters
Whose motives I totally deplore
I’m focused now on the real life conspiracy
And on alternatives that I’m seeking to explore
And I’m reaching out to my fellow counter conspirators
With whom I’m hoping to establish a rapport
It’s a matter of the gravest importance
It’s a matter to no longer ignore
Because in the time that I’ve written this polemic
The conspirators may ignite a world war.
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